20 Million Trees Programme

nlp-logoThe Australian Government’s 20 Million Trees Programme Grant Round One, which is part of the National Landcare Program, is now open.

Project funding: applications are being sought for grant funding between $20,000 and $100,000.

Project timeframe: projects need to be from between 1 and 3 years, and all projects must commence in 2014-15. See page 2 of the grant guidelines for details on project timeframes.  
Who can apply: a wide range of groups, organisations and individuals in the community are encouraged to apply. This may include community groups, schools, landholders and other land managers. See page 6 of the grant guidelines for details on applicant eligibility.  

Project locations: can be on both public and private land in urban, peri-urban and regional areas.

Project objectives: projects that enhance local biodiversity by improving the extent, condition and connectivity of native vegetation. Projects must involve the establishment of trees that will grow to more than 2 metres in height (when mature), as well as other species including understorey, which will result in a locally appropriate and biodiverse vegetation structure to deliver environmental conservation benefits.

Eligible project activities:

  • planting seedlings;
  • direct seeding;

and the following activities are eligible where they directly support eligible revegetation activities    

  • plant propagation;
  • weed control;
  • project site preparation;
  • project site maintenance.

Application form, guidelines & FAQs: go to http://www.nrm.gov.au/national/20milliontrees/competitive-grants and for the press release on this grants program go to http://www.nrm.gov.au/national/20milliontrees

Applications close: 2pm Thursday 30 October 2014

More information: phone 1800 552 008 or email: 20milliontrees@environment.gov.au